Idlescape Logo
Patch Notes
Getting Started
May 29, 2024

Beta 0.20.1

Patch Note

Weekly Madness

update main image


  • Fixed some conditional base item costs appearing in the wrong gamemodes
  • Fix potential crash case for weekly shrine leaderboards
  • Manual eating now applies heal over time and buffs
  • Replaced treasure hunter icon that indicated highest zone clear difficulty with the zone's relevant elite scroll icon
  • Added difficulty icon assets
  • Added support for custom rules for progress logging in quests, i.e. send a flavor message when halfway through; changed the condition for sending progress from every step to exceeding 1% of target
  • Commands to adjust shrine cost modifiers without a server restart
  • Adjust sorting for achievements and quests
  • Made quest list button and summary more obvious
  • Made locked achievements more obvious
  • Only show pin button for in progress quests/achievements

steam store page btw, pls wishlist, it helps a LOT

Not a hotfix??

After the MANY hotfixes from last week, the primary crashes have been finally found and squashed. Crashes often constitute critical, or at least high, priority issues for development time so we haven't had a huge amount of time to prepare content/fixes for this week. That said, we have some for you!


  • Re-implemented weekly shrine temporary icon; now given to #1 top altar donators for each altar instead of top 3
  • Fixed top 3 global shrine donators
  • Fixed Idling Like a Champ achievement
  • Improved Talent descriptions
  • Fixed some unintended talent bonus effects
  • Fix Smithing validity check
  • Fix runaway shard bonuses, can now not give bonus shards indefinitely and instead gives up to the double shards you had earned
  • Fixed Augmenting rework now requiring base copies above +5
  • Fix critical augmenting chance not applying in augmenting rework
  • Spiraling out of control talent effects now appears in UI
  • Account icons now properly distribute to all characters outside of session starts
  • Fix inversion of ammo preservation chance on ammunition overload talents
  • Fix crafting flickering
  • Show scrapping talent effect
  • Scroll of Immunity for capes - 10% chance per strength to halve debuff stacks
  • Fix NGIM being able to do certain skills they shouldn't be able to, probably

Issues being investigated

  • Currently some buffs don't like stacking properly if one was started before a server restart; such as platinum buffs