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Patch Notes
Getting Started

Is It Hot In Here

update main image

Sorting? What's that?

  • Added some icons to the platinum shop
  • Loot log blur on safari maybe fixed
  • Fix buff message saying "upgraded" when strength stayed the same
  • Personal Cannon announces on creation
  • All pots filter legacy items
  • Overhauled Flame Resistance and Overheating, making them functional again. Each strength of Overheating reduces damage dealt by 10% and increases damage taken by 10%
  • New Unique Wand of the Phoenix added to Palace of Flames
  • Phoenix/Fire set bonuses adjusted for this new item (weaker without it, stronger with it)
  • Revamped the gun abilities; mortar has better accuracy and speed with less damage; grapeshot is slower and does less damage but has more accuracy and more AOE targets and now does a bleed (that scales) too; hot shot has slightly less dmg and acc
  • Added a notification when group members aren't ready on start
  • Gathering Tooltip improved on mobile
  • Actual implemented the Critical Weakpoint talent
  • Reduced point cost for Augmentation Afficionado II
  • Quests get categories and a Nick UI^tm Accordion
  • Ranger's Grace merged into Dextrous Shot and renamed Elven Agility
  • Elder's Elegance merged into Royal Reverence
  • EKLB more dex and some agility
  • Cannon a lot less agility (-64 to -128, ouch!)
  • Force/Convergence/Finesse can go on mainhands; now also convert half def stats to off instead of just free stats. i.e. at 8 strength, you get 8% of the def stat as offensive, and lose 4% of the def stat. 100 agility = +8 dex and -4 agil
  • Ancient Blood, Air, and Nature amulets swapped to their respective 'Aspect of' enchantment. Old ones have not been updated, so there's legacy ones for now I guess
  • All ancient amulets have aug stats on par with Ancient Chaos Amulet
  • Gem Jewelry aug bonuses buffed / made flavorful
  • Ancient Pyramid myst driftwood cost reduced from 200 to 75, but now requires more aquamarines. also costs less shrimp
  • Mael Orb elder log cost reduced from 1500 to 500, but added some token rune costs
  • Elder Lockstone stone cost reduced from 1000 to 100 on aug, 60k gold to 65k tho
  • Added Scroll of Researchers Boon that can go on capes to make the enchantment actually accessible
  • New 'Lost Artisan/Craftsman' full transmog cosmetic in plat shop
  • Castle Map cost changed; 80 scale -> 20 scale, 20 leather, 10 yew logs
  • Clarified Loaded Dice description
  • Fix loot announcements for other players besides group leader

chest profile showcasing

You can now add your opened chests to your profile! Wiki bois may want to add all the share links to the wiki

where steam

Waiting on the accountant to finalize our selected option and then we pay the bordering on excessive fee to finally get the legal nonsense sorted. Was expecting it to be finalized on Monday but it's not ready yet REEEEEEE